Hi. I'm Joon.

I'm a Software Engineer at Google.



Chicago skyline at night

Welcome! I'm a Software Engineer at Google, based in Chicago. I'm primarily focused on web frontend development: I'm passionate about building clean frontend architectures that enable delightful user AND developer experiences.

I was previously a Frontend Software Engineer at Grubhub, and before that I was a student at Northwestern University where I graduated with a BA in Physics and a BM in Music Composition. While I was a student, I was a fellow at Knight Lab and a researcher at Fermilab. I've also taught Python to a classroom of high school students at the Adler Planetarium and worked part time on Census Reporter. As a young developer I'm excited to continue feeding my insatiable appetite for learning. Check out some of my past projects below!



Good Internal Documentation Is...

First presented at: Grubhub Lightning Talks, Inaugural Round
We all know what good documentation is when we read it, but how do we write some ourselves? How do we write and maintain documentation that works for myself, my team, my entire company? Everyone knows that documentation is important, yet it is often one of the most neglected areas of a company's culture. By thinking critically about what makes good internal documentation, we can start to form a community that understands the whats, the whys, and the hows of documentation.
We'll discuss some general characteristics of good documentation, and go on to talk about some concrete steps that you can take to make your documentation meet those characteristics. We'll also discuss details about frontend (specifically React) code and how you can apply these principles there.

Building a Multiplayer Card Game with React, Typescript, and Firebase

First presented at: Chicago React Meetup, Virtual Lightning Talks
Firebase is the go-to for many developers when they need a quick storage or authentication solution for a personal project. Often, React is also their choice of frontend framework. If you've used them before, you know that Firebase + React can make for a powerful combination in getting your idea to production quickly. I recently built a version of Rummy 500 for two players to be able to play in real-time using that exact stack, but with the addition of TypeScript. We'll go over a few reasons that make this trio such a great package, and some quick tips on building your own React + Firebase + TypeScript project.

Teaching React

Description coming soon!


If you'd like to learn more about one of my projects, inquire about one of my talks, or reach out for any other reason, please don't hesitate to contact me!